Ces derniers jours, je regarde le feuilleton televise en 78 episodes PRISON BREAK. Ca fait ma coeur horriblement battant.
Можно фотографировать. 写真を撮ってもいい
Фотографировать можна. 写真は撮ってもいい
Можно посмотреть? 見ていいですか?
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Здесь можно курить? ここでタバコを吸ってもいいですか?
Doreen Virtue Official Fan Pageより
Instead of searching for what you want externally, concentrate on developing mental pictures of your desires. Surround these images with feelings of security, gratitude, and faith; and know that what you’ve been looking for is on its way to you right now.
surround 囲む 包む
gratitude 感謝の気持ち 報恩の年
faith 信頼、 確信、自信
Facebookディクテーションテスト2012年02月26日(日)版(No.264) - 結果
Q1 I'm always forgetful.
× I'm always
Q2 It doesn't really matter when your birthday is.
○ It's doesn't really matter when your birthday is.
Q3 I can't get the lid off.
× I can't get a rid off.
Q4 You're just trying to escape from reality.
× You just try to escape priority.
Q5 A benefit of membership is that purchases are discounted.
× A benefit of membership is a purchase is discounted.