nickさんのお気に入りフレーズ 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ How much influence do parents really have on teenagers?
○ I'll be right back.
○ The United Kingdom abolished slavery in 1833.
○ The first computers were very slow by today's standards.
○ He indicated to me that he would vote no.
○ We'll need to bring in a specialist to analyze the data.
○ We agree in principle. We just have to hammer out the details.
○ Could you expand on that answer?
○ The two planes narrowly missed colliding.
○ My T-shirt shrunk too much after I put it in the dryer.
○ That's very becoming on him!
○ After a full day of fighting, the troops hadn't advanced at all.
○ He blew up when he found out Tommy missed the project deadline.
○ Could you check tomorrow's weather forecast?
○ Please do not hesitate to tell me if you have something different in mind.
○ He hurt his elbow playing tennis.
○ The puppy had a face that would melt your heart.
○ Price wasn't a factor in my decision to buy it.
○ We can reschedule.
○ You should call the hotel to confirm your reservation.