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Today I went to the book store to get a book and NHK text. I bought the text of ラジオ英会話. And I am interested in おと基礎 and チャロ, too. I am going to listen to them without
text. This current year will end in one more week. I am looking forward to the next
year. I will hang in there next year,too.
今日はとある本とNHK のテキストを買いに書店へ行ってきた。テキストはラジオ英会話を買ってきた。おと基礎とチャロにも興味があるが、それらはテキストなしで聞こう。
I've already bought NHK textbooks.
It's exciting to have a new textbook. I'm going to make the best of it.