I went to my hometown in order to meet some of my old friends. We were in the same class when we were in the sixth grade at elementary school. We'll have a class reunion at the end of May, so we talked about the plan. All of them are Nagareyama locals. But I live far form there. It took three hours and a half form my house by train. I got up at 5 o'clock and left home while my children and my husband were fast asleep.
What's it been since we last met? Twenty-five years have passed since our last class union. So I was really excited to meet them. Everyone looked just as before, which made me so glad. We talked and talked about so many things.
I hope many friends will get together at the party. I'm really looking forward to it.
Today's expression
They are Nagareyama locals. : みんなは地元に住んでいます。...のつもり
以前"cool Japan"という番組で、「地元八王子に住んでいます。」の英語の字幕に
I am a Hachiouji local. と出ていたので、こんなふうに使えるのかなあと...。
a class reunion : 同窓会
What's it been been since we last met? : 最後に会ってから、どれくらいになるのかな? 今日の覚えたて!
Thanks for your comments! I had kept in touch with none of my friends at elementary school until a friend of mine found out my address. When you get アラフィフ, you may have a chance to see your old fiends. Because we are likely to long to see our old friends around that age. At least that was my experience.