I planted eggplant and paprika seedlings. And I sow green soybean seeds. I like green soybeans so much that I've wanted to eat them throughout the summer. I'm planning on sowing seeds every two weeks. Then I'll have its harvest every day during the summer. So I've already prepared the bed for the beans which I'll sow two weeks later.
I feel like planting more kinds of vegetables. But since I'm new at this, I'll start with a few kinds. Though I don't have a green thumb, I like growing vegetables.
There was too much sun for me to work outside. I was eager to drink a glass of beer. But I had to go to work in the late afternoon. So I drank a glass of AQUARIUS instead.
Today's expressions
green soybeans : 枝豆
I'm planning on ~ing : ~をすることを計画中
every two weeks : 二週間おきに
一日おきなら、every other day
since I'm new at this : これは初めてなので
have a green thumb : 園芸の才がある
There is too much sun. : 日差しが強すぎる
アドバイスありがとうございます。とてもためになりました。 何事も「過ぎたるは及ばざるがごとし」ですね。 肥料のやりすぎ、気を付けます。
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