Got sei Dank! Ich habe meine Steuererklärung abgegeben. Es war endlos, aber es ist jezt vorbei.
Ça y est! J'ai fait ma déclaration d'impôts. Je suis soulagée.
At last, I had my tax done! I took the documents to the tax office this morning. Since I had an appointment, I didn't wait for my turn at all. They used to help us input the data in the PC, but they insisted that I should do it with my own PC this year. Oh, no! It's troublesome. The clerk helped me do that, and it seemed to complete in 20 minutes. At the last minute, however, he asked me about my insurance. Oh, I completely forgot it! I told him that I had canceled one of my insurances last year. Then, he said that a certification of the cancelation. I claimed that I didn't have such a document from the insurance company. He insisted that I should come to the office again with the "certification". I could do nothing but pause the procedure and go home. What a disappointment! As soon as I arrived home, I made a phone call to the insurance office and asked about it. The clerk checked it out and said, "The money you got is much smaller than you had already paid. So, you don't have to declare at the final tax return." Oh, no! I could have completed the procedure on the spot at the tax office! I regret having told him about my insurance. I called the office and told about it. Then, the clerk who was at the end of the line suggested that I should do the rest of the procedure by my own smartphone at home. How daunting! I can't do that. Luckily, he gave me the instruction in details and all I had to do was to do just as he said. At last, I managed to complete it. What a relief! I don't have to go to the tax office again another day. I was kaput before I went to work. Anyway, all's well that ends well.
Thank you for your comments.
確定申告書にすべて記入し、税務署に行った。 今年からは、スマホを持っている人はスマホで入力するように言われ、係員に指示に従ってスムーズに進んだ。 しかし! 保険の解約などありませんか?と聞かれ、12月に解約して30万円ほど戻ってきたことを正直に伝えたら、解約証明書が必要だから、手続きを中断して後日持参するようにと。 なんてこった~。 そんなもんないし。 家に帰ってから保険屋に電話をしたら調べてくれて、私の解約返戻金は払い込み金よりはるかに少ないので、確定申告は不要とのこと。 そのことを税務署に電話して話したら、家で続きをやってくださいと。 どうやっていいかわからないと言ったら、親切に指示を出してくれて、なんとか完了した。 やれやれ、やっと終わった。 仕事行く前に、クタクタにくたびれた。 しかも、10300円の納税。 還付金をもらったことはないが、去年も一昨年も0円だったのに。
昨日の下曽我の梅。 アップで撮ったのは送れるみたい。 スマホで撮って、スマホでアップするのだが、このiphone14は、androidや、iphone5のときのようにはうまく行かない。 何はともあれ、くたびれ果てたので、ピンクの梅でも眺めて、元気をだそう。
Thank you for your hard work.
Thank you for your hard work.
I made an appointment online on February 28 for consultation on municipal tax returns.