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[Transforming a Night Owl] (4,5,6) -Lesson 18 /Business Communication in Action-
Salmans: Staying up late on Friday and Saturday night and sleeping in the following morning sends a whole different set of signals to the brain. So 6 a.m. on Monday feels like 4 a.m. I've heard that the trick is to stick with your new sleep habits on the weekend too.
Grace: You know, one thing that successful people tend to have in common is regular sleep schedules. Healthy, productive people make a point of going to sleep and waking up at roughly the same time every day. When they travel, they make a point of adjusting to their new time zone within 24 hours.
Lyons: That's easier said than done. I know from personal experience that it takes discipline and patience to reset one's internal clock. It means changing habits such as binge-watching TV series into the wee hours.
Grace: My advice is to set a series of achievable goals aimed at gradually shifting your sleeping routine. Try making your current wake-up time 20 minutes earlier each day. So, if you usually get up at 8 a.m. and want to make 6 a.m. your wake-up time, set your alarm for 7:40 a.m. on Monday. Then set it for 7:20 a.m. on Tuesday, and so on.
Ueda: This may sound like a very obvious piece of advice, but try going to bed when you're tired.
Ueda: I've read that it's a good idea to avoid looking at your computer, smartphone and other light sources before your bedtime.
Salmans: Thanks. But it's also important to remember that each person has different needs when it comes to sleeping. Age, genetics, lifestyle and environment are all significant factors in determining sleep patterns.
Lyons: You know you're not getting enough sleep if you often feel tired at work or fall asleep during your morning or evening commute. Your body is sending you a signal.
Salmans: I know better than to sleep on the subway in New York. It's too dangerous.
Grace: Another warning sign is irritability. You know the expression "hangry"? It describes people who become cross when they're hungry. Well, there's also "slangry," which refers to people who become emotionally upset due to lack of sleep.
Lyons: I know what you mean. When I'm suffering from a lack of sleep, the slightest bit of stress can set me off.
Grace: Some smart companies are letting employees take afternoon naps. They find that helps to boost productivity.
Ueda: I'm all for that.
Salmans: This is all excellent advice. Let me sleep on it.
★[It means changing habits such as binge-watching TV series into the wee hours.] つまり、明け方までテレビシリーズを見まくるような習慣を変えることですよ。
⇒[bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger]空腹により不機嫌な、あるいは怒りっぽい、
⇒[A hungry man is an angry man.]空腹な人は機嫌が悪い/空腹な人間は怒りっぽい
★[slangry]=[sleepy(lack of sleep)]+[angry]
[words and phrases]
-[sleep in]遅くまで寝ている/(ゆっくりと)朝寝坊する⇔[accidentally oversleep](うっかり/過失で)寝過ごす
-[take discipline and patience]自制心と忍耐を要する
-[into the wee hours]明け方近くまで
-[a piece of advice]-[tons of advice]=[scads of- / a lot of-]
⇒[binge on]-[go on a (drinking/eating) binge](口語)暴飲暴食する
-[I know better than to-]…するほど愚かではない/…しないくらいの分別はある
-[irritability]イライラ/短気、[become cross]不機嫌になる/腹を立てる、[become emotionally upset due to lack of sleep](睡眠不足のせいで)機嫌が悪くなる、[set someone off](人を)怒らせる
-[I'm all for that.]私はそれに大賛成だ/私はそれを全面的に支持する。
-[Let me sleep on it.]それについて一晩じっくり考えさせてください。
-[capital investment]設備投資
★Peace is more important than all justice; and peace was not made for the sake of justice, but justice for the sake of peace. -Martin Luther (German friar, priest and professor, 1483-1546)
★A pessimist's blood type is always b -.
-[Rh-]=[Rh negative]Rh陰性、
-[b-]=[be negative]否定的である/消極的である=[pessimist]悲観主義者
★I took an IQ test and the results were negative.