

Workplace Romance and Single People (3)

This reminds me of something I read the other day about singles making up an increasingly large portion of the adult population in the U.S. Something like four in 10 adults between the ages of 25 and 54 aren’t in a relationship. Why are more people staying single in this country?
The percentage of unmarried adults is at an all-time high. The trend is for young people not to get married or have a romantic partner. In 2010, married couples became a minority in the United States. The biggest reason for this is that young people are placing a premium on personal independence. They enjoy the single life. There’s also less of a stigma attached to living alone.
Singlehood is more common among immigrants and people of color these days. Black women in the U.S. have lower rates of marriage compared choose to surround themselves with people they feel close to and deem that group to be their family. We at Diversity Marketing are trying various ways to reach these demographics effectively.
Some people still have a negative view of the single life. But for a growing number of people, being single means freedom, independence and more potential for growth. I have some good friends who are single. They admit that has its disadvantages, but they’re basically happy. They say they’d rather be single than unhappy.
IN the past 10 years or so, articles, books, seminars and podcasts have reframed solo living as positive and empowering rather than isolating and sad.






