Is that racial discrimination?
I’ve never been to the U.K., so I’m not familiar with that and English people.
My daughter has been suffering from being dealt with so unequally at collage, compared to students of native English speakers living there. My wife is much worried about her and we’re by no means satisfied with her school.
According to her, some instructors tend to look down on and ignore students from Asia studying abroad. For example, when she asked them some questions, they took unkind attitudes to her, such as yawning or making mean faces.
This is what we call "racial discrimination"?
Why do some teachers have such attitudes? I tried to think about it.
She must have been struggling very hard.
夫がハワイの大学院で日本式の経営法を勉強していたとき、アジアの各国から政府の奨学金をもらってたくさんのアジア人が白人と混じって学んでいました。そのときアジア人を差別する教授がいたようでちょっとひどかったので、夫は彼らに代わって抗議しました。そうしたら夫はrebellious studentというレッテルを貼られてしまい、要注意人物になってしまいました。なんてことでしょう!