前の日Why Do You Study English?(last reason)
Thinking about why I study English, I have three main reasons for it certainly, like I said.
Then I’ve been trying to study English so far. I should enjoy it, otherwise I won’t keep doing it. Now I’m having so much fun doing it. My greatest passion in life is studying English.
As a matter of course, I don’t expect that I’m able to come to learn English in a short period of time. I would continue to steadily study English day after day, year after year.
By the way, I am going to move into a new place this afternoon. Thus, unfortunately, I suddenly have to stop keeping a diary. I was planning to move at the end of this month, but that schedule had been changed. I already packed most of my stuff on my desk. The last item left is just my PC.
Thanks a lot for everything.
I enjoyed reading your diary. It's a shame that I can't see you for a while, but I believe you'll come back some day. I hope your new life will be full of pleasure. Thank you for your comments below. See you!
かおりんさんへ:根性がだんだん低下しているとのことですが、次から次に器用に作るクラフトをみると、相当の意欲と根性です。Andy君とのウォーキングが楽しそうです。 足をお大事にして下さい。
pekoさんへ:歯の治療を受けられて良かったですね。英語、ドイツ語、ピアノ、お仕事ととてもエネルギッシュです。最初に頂いた “マイペースが秘訣” 心しておきます。 ストレスに御留意下さい。
Thank you So much!!