Cheers! The hottest month, it was called, has come to the end. According to the calendar, Summer is over in a month. Summer is over in a month. It's only 1/12 of the year. From now on, it will gradually become cooler in the mornings and evenings, so it's almost time to dissolve the summer fatigue.
Thinking that, it seems that the continuous heat is coming to the point we can count down the end of it.
ラジオ英会話8月23日(火)Lesson97 over
( )内は聞こえななかったり、聞きづらかった部分。
Mr. Emori, (we’re) almost at the top of Mount Hakodate.
ブァ と聞こえた。
Yes, soon (we’ll be) able to look over Hakodate City at night.
ルブィ と聞こえた。
I heard it’s called a ('million-dollar view').
million-dollar viewのdollarとviewの間にofが聞こえた。
Oh, it is kind of cold (up here).
A フィアー と聞こえた。
* Grammar and Vocabulary *
〇 Soon, we’ll be able to look over Hakodate City at night.
〇 You can call me Toshio.
I heard it’s called a 'million-dollar view'.
Call it 'a million-dollar view'の受動態。
* Feel English *
〇 Let me put my jacket over you.
・Soon, we’ll be able to look over Hakodate City at night.
Look over 「ざっと目を通す、見渡す」
・all over the world / over the weekend 週末にかけて
Let’s talk over a cup of coffee. コーヒーを飲みながら話をしましょう。
All over the street 通りのいたるところ
All over the place あらゆるところに
・roll over 転がる / over again /
go over 復習する・詳しく見る / think it over それをよく考える
* Expressions in action *
1. There’s garbage all over the place.
2. Let’s go over the plan one last time.
3. Nice idea. Let me think it over.