"Homage to Catalonia"George Orwell
continuation from last time(aug.02'24)first appearance(jun.19'23)(初出)
This was not as a temporary measure - there were cases of people being kept four and five months almost without sight of daylight. And they were fed on a filthy and insufficient diet of two plates of soup and two pieces of bread a day. (some months later, however, the food seems to have improved a little.)
しかも、これが何も暫定的な措置というわけではないのだ ー ほとんど陽の目を見ないで四、、五か月もぶち込まれる場合だってあったのだ。そのうえ、一日にスープ二杯、パンふた切れというきたならしいふじゅうぶんな食事で命をつないでいたのだ(しかし、数か月後には、食事は多少よくなったようだ)。
I am not exaggerating; ask any political suspect who was imprisoned in Spain. I have had accounts of Spanish jails from a number of separate sources, and they agree with one another too well to be disbelieved; besides, I had a few glimpses into the Spanish jail myself. Another English friend who was imprisoned later writes that his experience in jail 'make Smillie's case easier to understand'. Smillie's is not a thing I can easily forgive. Here was this brave and gifted boy, who had thrown up his carrier at Glasgow University in order to come and fight against Fascism, and who, as I saw for myself, had done his job at the front with faultless courage and willingness; and all they could find to do with him was to fling him into a jail and let him die like a neglected animal. I know that in the middle of a huge and bloody war it is no use making too much fuss over an individual death. One aeroplane bomb in a crowded street causes more suffering than quite a lot of political persecution. But what angers one about a death like this is its utter pointlessness. To be killed in battle - yes, that is what one expects; but to be flung into jail, not even for any imaginary offence, but simply owing to dull blind spite, and then left to die in solitude - that is a different matter. I fail to see how this kind of thing - and it is not as though Smillie's case were exceptional - brought victory any nearer.
私は誇張しているのでも何でもない。スペインで投獄された経験のある政治犯容疑者にお聞きになってみられたらよい。私は、それぞれ別個のたくさんの出所から、スペインの刑務所についての情報を集めたが、それが互いにじつによく一致しているので、とうてい信じないわけにはいかないのだ。それだけではなく、私自身が、ほんのちらとではあるが、自分の目でスペインの刑務所をのぞいて見たことがあるのだ。もっとあとになって投獄された別のイギリス人の友人が、自分の獄中体験のおかげで、「スマイリーの場合がよくわかるようになった」と書いている。スマイリーの死は、そう簡単には許せないことだ。ここに勇気もあれば才能にも恵まれた青年がいた。彼は、ファシズムと戦うために、グラスゴウ大学の学生という自分の前途を投げうってやって来た。彼は、前線で、私がこの目で見たとおり、申し分のない勇気と意欲をもって自分の任務をはたしたのだ。それに対するせいいっぱいの報いが、なんと牢屋へぶち込み、ほったらかしの動物のように死なせる死なせることであったとは。大規模な殺戮戦のまっさいちゅうなら、個人の死をあまりわいわい騒いでみてもはじまらないことぐらいは、私だってわかっている。人の密集している大通りに爆弾の一発も落とされれば、相当の政治的迫害よりもっと大きな苦痛をもたらすのだ。しかし、そのような死を憤慨せずにいられないのは、それがまったくの犬死だからnのだ。戦場で殺されるのは ー そう、それは覚悟のうえのことだ。だが、なんのら身におぼえもないのに、ただ、うっとうしいわけのわからない憎しみのためにのために牢獄へぶち込まれ、ほったらかされてひとりぼっちで死ななければならない、となると ー これはまた別問題だ。このようなことが ー どうやら、スマイリーのケースはまんざら例外でもなさそうなのだが ー 勝利を少しでも早めるのに、どう役にたつのか、私にはとんと納得がいきかねるのだ。
My wife and I visited Kopp that afternoon. You were allowed to visit prisoners who were not incommunicado, though it was not safe to do so more than once or twice. The police watched the people who came and went, and if you visited the jails too often you stamped yourself as a friend of 'Trotskyists' and probably ended in jail yourself. This had already happened to a number of people.
Kopp was not incommunicado and we got a permit to see him without difficulty. As they led us through the steel doors into the jail, a Spanish militiaman whom I had known at the front was being led out between two Civil Guards. His eye met mine; again the ghostly wink. And the first person we saw inside was an American militiaman who had left for home a few days earlier; his paper were in good order, but they had arrested him at the frontier all the same, probably because he was still wearing corduroy breeches and was therefore identifiable as a militiaman. We walked past one another as though we had been total strangers.