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■ラジオ英会話134 into②
I'm not sure about that, but thank you.
*I'm sorry (Excuse me)・・・but~
He needs to get into his studies more.
*need to 【これから】~する必要がある
〇into 衝突
I heard you bumped into my son Renji on Sunday.
bump into /run into 出会う ★into のめり込む
He's grown into a fine young man.
change into (~に代わる)
put... into practice(~を実行する 実践する)
burst into(急に~する)
translate... into English(~を英語に翻訳する)
Who talked you into doing such a thing?
He needs to get into his studies more.
I'm really into yoga.
1 My wife and I are into the same sports.
2 Could you translate this email into English for me?
3 You have to put the English you've learned into practice.
■現代英語 NASA tests doomsday asteroid diffense plan
*doomsday 世界が終わる日
*doomsday asteroid 地球を滅亡させそうなアステロイド
NASA scientists say they could have good news for the future of humanity.
The U.S. space agency says it succeeded in slamming a spacecraft into an asteroid.
It's a test to see whether they can alter that the trajectory of any future space rocks that might be on a collision course with Earth.
A livestream of the test showed images from NASA's DART spacecraft moments before impact.
humanity 人類
slam 叩きつける
alter 変える
trajectory 軌道
collision 衝突
moments before impact 衝突直後の
It(宇宙船DART) closed in on a moonlet called “Dimorphos,” roughly the size of a football stadium, 11 million kilometers away from Earth.
DART plowed into the space rock at about 22,000 kilometers per hour.
moonlet 衛星
plow 鍬で耕す→~に突っ込む
NASA says even a small nudge to an asteroid could alter its trajectory enough to keep the planet Earth out of harm's way.
nudge (名)軽い一押し (動)軽くつつく
doomsday 世界の終わりの日
Armageddon 終末に近づくと善と悪が戦う最終戦争アルマゲドンがおこる
annihilation 絶滅
apocalypse この世の終わり
Judgement Day 審判の日
It's like a science movie.
I know "Armageddon", but "Doomsday" is new to me.
Anyway, human powers are great.
Any way,一日一日を元気に楽しく過ごせたら良いです🐧🍒