〇Frase chiave(キーフレーズ)
Sai che fanno un cocerto a Roma il mese prossimo?
sai 不規則動詞sapere(知っている)の2人称単数形
che ~ということ (後に文を続ける)
①sapere che +文(~という事を知っている)
So che Giulia non é contenta del suo lavaro.
*essere contento di~ ~に満足している
Sai che Paolo studia il giapponese?
Sappiamo che quell'esame non è facile.
*facile 簡単な
②non sapere se +文 *se(~かどうか)
Non so se Dino viene a scuola oggi.
Non sappiamo se vince questa squadra.
*vincere 勝つ squadra チーム
So che Paolo è bravo. / So che è bravo Paolo.
Non so se Anna viene./ Non so se viene Anna.
io so/ tu sai/ lui・lei sa/ noi sappiamo/ voi sapete/ loro sanno
Non so quando torna in ufficio Antonio.
Sai quale autobus devi prendere?
*dovere prendere 乗ればいいか
Non sappiamo a che ora arriva l'aereo.
1 So che Emma torna in Italia il mese prossimo.
2 Sappiamo che si mangia bene in quelristotante.
*siは「人は 人々は」の意味。
3 Sai che Teresa non sta molto bene?
Non sappiamo dove abita Roberto.
Non so quando torna dal Giappone mia zia.
【Si usa così】
Dammene uno. /Dammene una.(それをひとつ頂戴)
dammene= da'+mi+ne(dareの命令形二人称単数形+私に+そのうちの)
uno, unaの使い分けは指すものが男性名詞か女性名詞かで使い分け。
■ビジネス英語 Roberto Benes part5/6 質問を考える
声を届ける channel one's voice
実際の政策 actual policy
~に取り入れられる be incorporated into~
You say that SDG's educational program help students channel thier voice to decision makers, but are there any proposals that have beem incorporated into actual policy?
世界共通の課題 global agenda
視点 perspective
~を考慮に入れる take into account
Even if it's a global agenda, I think different regions have different perspectives. Does your SDG education programs take into account regional characteristics?
広さよりも深さ more depth than breath
~に応募する apply for~
~するとしたら If I were to~
So, it's more about depth than breath of knowledge on a specific area right?
If I were to apply for a job at UNICEF, what specific areas of knowledge would be important?
付加価値のある知識 value-added knowledge
~に適用する applicable to~
専門分野 area of expertise
You say it's important to have value-added knowledge in a specific area, but what are the areas of expertise that would be applicable to any international organization?
■現代英語 Japanese capsule toymakers target broader market
Japanese toy maker are upgrading their iconic capsule vending machines to meet surging demand. The contraptions are growing popularity among both children, adults and foreign tourists.
The machines are typically cash-operated, randomly dispensing plastic capsules containing small toys for a few 100-yen coins.
meet demand 需要に応える
contraption 風変わりな装置
cash-operated 現金で作動する
randomly 無作為に
dispense 放出する*water dispenser(給水機)/ cash dispenser(ATM)
But Bandai's new device also accepts payments from both Japanese and foreign smartphones. Bandai plans to install them at 100 locations across the country by next April.
T-Arts plans to introduce dispensers offering instructions in nine languages at airports, train stations, and shopping malls.
Sales from capsule machines have soared in recent years, hitting a record high of over 300 million dollars in the business year that ended in March.
install 設置する
T-Arts タカラトミーアーツ
instruction 使い方
soar 急騰する
hit a record high 過去最高額を出す
in the business year 営業年度で
capsule vending machineのことを私は「ガチャガチャ」と呼んでいました。「ガチャポン」と呼んでいる人もいます。レバーを回してカシャンと鳴る音をイメージして名付けられたと思いますが、スマートホンで支払いとなるとどんな感じになるのでしょうか。秋葉原駅や東京駅では沢山のこの機械を見かけますが、子供のおもちゃと思っていたものが、すっかり大人や旅行者のものになったのですね。年をとったせいか、その光景に馴染めません。
Is that so? I didn't know that.
Come to think of it, I often see that capsule vending machine in the supermarkets.
Goods are very various. Maybe people are attractive, I guess.