The Ford Mustang caused a sensation when it was released in 1964.
sensation (名) (五感による)感覚、知覚、興奮、感動
Warren Buffet, one of the world's richest people, made his fortune through smart investments.
fortune (名) 多額の金、巡合せ、富、幸運、運命、
magnetic field (名) 磁場
magnetic (形) 磁石の、磁気を帯びた、
Earth's magnetic field extends about 65,000 kilometers into space.
Don't forget to wash your hands before and after changing your baby's diaper.
diaper /ˈdaɪpər/ (名) おむつ、おしめ
The government is claiming that the tax plan will supercharge economic growth.
supercharge 過給する、強化する