使いそうなフレーズ 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ How do I look?
○ That sounds exciting.
× Let's take a break when it's convenient.
○ What's wrong?
× I'll make you some coffee.
○ Give me a hand. / Give me a ride.
○ It doesn't ring a bell.
what's wrong 和訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ What's wrong with your black cat?
○ What's wrong with him?
○ What's wrong with that?!
○ What's wrong with surfing?
○ What's wrong with a 31-year-old being a mentor?
○ What's wrong with you today, Tomomi?
○ What's wrong?
○ What's wrong with my sandwich?
○ What's wrong with me?
○ What's wrong with eating honey?
口語表現22 リスニングテスト20問 - 結果
× She's taller than Momo and has long black hair.
× The cherry blossoms in spring are amazing, too.
× You'll hardly fail completely in one day and there's plenty more days coming.
○ Which team are you rooting for?
○ I've turned over a new leaf!
○ I always have nasal congestion in the spring. I've had allergies all my life.
× Oh, never mind about that. Let's put it behind us.
○ I am a devoted fan of that singer.
× They are a sweet confection which is made by combining chocolate, marshmallow and graham crackers.
× I'll always be there for you.
× He was passionate about travel and wine.
○ Just a reminder to stay on your diet.
○ It's an innovative park!! It has all kinds of exercise equipment!
○ Well, thanks for trying, honey.
○ I said, "I'm going to give it my best shot."
× I'd like the orange one in the second row from the back.
× Because I'm a huge Sherlock Holmes fan.
○ I can't pedal anymore, Asuka.
○ I'm into jazz.
○ Many clothes stores are providing fashion advice, for example.