使いそうなフレーズ 英訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ I'll make you some coffee.
○ It doesn't ring a bell.
○ How do I look?
○ What's wrong?
○ That sounds exciting.
× Let's take a break when it's convenient.
○ Give me a hand. / Give me a ride.
what's wrong 和訳テスト20問 - 結果
○ What's wrong with him?
○ What's wrong with eating honey?
○ What's wrong with that?!
○ What's wrong with surfing?
○ What's wrong with me?
○ What's wrong?
○ What's wrong with you today, Tomomi?
○ What's wrong with your black cat?
○ What's wrong with my sandwich?
× What's wrong with a 31-year-old being a mentor?
口語表現22 リスニングテスト20問 - 結果
○ I swear I will.
× Yes, those are my resolutions!
× She's taller than Momo and has long black hair.
× Which team are you rooting for?
× Your hair looks really sharp today.
○ It completely slipped my mind.
○ I'm really into Japanese <i>sentō</i>.
○ Pink is good, but I think blond will suit you better.
○ I can't pedal anymore, Asuka.
○ Many clothes stores are providing fashion advice, for example.
× I like researching trivia.
○ This is my kind of game!
○ Then he gave me a sweet snack!
○ It's raining very hard. I will be soaking wet.
× Paul wanted to go outside even though it's raining.
○ I didn't face any long lines because I arrived at the immigration office early.
○ And their clothes are so elegant and stylish.
○ I'm into jazz.
× Winning that award gave a real boost to my self-esteem.
○ He was passionate about travel and wine.
ラジオ英会話 英訳テスト10問 - 結果
× You look so happy here, Caspar.
○ You can't take photos here, Frankie.
○ I'm a slacker.
○ Well, 2013 is when it was started, so it's fairly recent.
○ I'll show you my new phone.
○ Well, nothing remains the same.
○ My dream came true.
○ Deepak said the restaurant is full.
○ The boss told me to write a report about Raj's contributions to our department.
○ I enjoy talking with her.