Nov. 22 (Wed.)
Lesson 153
Deepak! What are you doing here?
Barbara! What a coincidence! Are you a member here?
B: ええ、ここにはもう何年も来ているわ。
Yes, I’ve been coming here for years.
D: 私はメンバーになったばかりです。今日はその初日です。
I just joined. Today’s my first day.
B: まあ、ようこそ!
Oh, welcome!
D: 体調を整えなければと思ったんです。それで、何かアドバイスはありますか?
I decided I need to get into shape. So, what do you recommend?
B: えっと、初心者にはこの運動器具おすすめね。楽しいわよ。
Well, this exercise machine is good for beginners. It’s fun.
D: このやり方で合っていますか?
Am I doing it right?
B: ええ! とてもいいわ。
Yes! Very good.
D: もう疲れてきました。
I’m tired already.
B: 初日が一番大変なの。大事なのは続けることよ。
The first day is the hardest. The important thing is to continue.
get into shape: 体調を整える
Typical Expressions
It’s vital [essential/crucial/very important]to do that.
2. そうするのはとても重要です。
Doing that is of great [key]importance.
Doing that is of vital [(the)utmost]importance.
3. 冷静さを保つのは重要/極めて重要です。
It is important/imperative that you remain calm.
4. 私たちはお客様のご意見を大切にします。
We value our customers’ opinions.
Typical Expressions in Action
1. 大事なのはつづけることですよ。運動の習慣は驚くべき結果をもたらします。
The important thing is to continue. The habit of exercising yields surprising results.
2. あなたの顧客全員の名前を覚えるのは大変重要です。彼らをsirやma’amと呼んではなりません。
Remembering the names of all your clients is of great importance. Don’t just call them sir or ma’am.
3. 在来種を守るのは極めて重要です。生態系のバランスはそれに懸かっています
Protecting native species is imperative. The balance of the ecosystem depends on it.
The other day, a TV program was broadcast on BS about a Japanese music college student who lives in the music capital of Vienna and studies piano.
Afterwards, a mansion near a world heritage site was also introduced.
Maybe it was because only the good things were broadcast, but everything about life there seemed so wonderful.
Vienna is one of the places I want to visit, but I’ve never been to Austria yet either.
I was so absorbed in watching the TV that an hour passed quickly.
Thank you for your comments.