ラジオ英会話 2023.5.22
Lesson31 発言タイプ:理解を深める③
Do you really think so?
1 否定の前倒し・目的語説明型
I don't think I've ever seen you so happy.
2 関係代名詞節修飾
That's the nicest thing you can say to a teacher.
Typical Expressions
☆You have a huge smile on your face. Why is that?
1 I wonder why.
2 I don't want to marry you.
Why not?
3 What did yo do that?
For what?
4 You're more well-dressed than usual. What's up with that?[What's going on that?]
What's that about?
Typical Expressions in Action
1 You've been avoiding me all morning. Why is that?
2 I wonder why he takes so long to reply to my texts.
3 What on earth did you do that for?