25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 1 |
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30 | 31 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
写真:味はグレープフルーツですが、房・束にはなっていません。なにか不明です ^^;
右上のは横幅が直径20cmで、文旦(ぶんたん)? 晩白柚(ばんぺいゆ)???
★ 昨日(2016年10月28日:金)お昼のニュース
1、共同経済、chasse aux abus、個人の家や車、大工道具を貸すと収入を得られるので
★ 60-Second Civics: Episode 2687, Presidential Power in Emergency and Crisis
What does the Constitution say about presidential powers during emergencies or crisis? The answer may surprise you.
The Constitution
a. contains no express provision regarding the exercise of power in an emergency
or crisis. 緊急事態における大統領の権力行使に関する明文の規定はない!
b. requires the president to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed
forces to military action.
c. forbids the president from committing armed forces to action for longer than
60 days without congressional authorization.
d. grants the president the authority to declare war with the advice and consent
of two-thirds of the Senate.
Well done! Choice a is correct.