仕事に使えそうな英語 リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
○ (Just) give me a ballpark (figure).
○ Please fill me in on this.
○ It's not quite what I was expecting.
○ There is an increasing awareness of the importance of the environment.
○ The pleasure is all mine.
決まり文句を丸暗記! リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
○ 잘 가.
○ 저도 그래요.
○ 그래요.
○ 반갑습니다.
○ 잘 부탁합니다.
Facebookディクテーションテスト2012年05月17日(木)版(No.345) - 結果
Q1 I'll take one with walnuts.
Q2 It seems he has made up his mind.
Q3 There was a call while you were taking a bath.
Q4 That's very becoming on him!
Q5 My role is to facilitate the discussion by asking appropriate questions.
気分が上がる!言われて嬉しい言葉☆ 和訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ 我可担心死了!
○ 今天玩儿得真开心!
○ 说得真流利!
○ 你越来越年轻了。
○ 日本人真了不起!