Facebookディクテーションテスト2012年05月31日(木)版(No.359) - 結果
Q1 Is it OK to just order drinks?
Q2 Couldn't agree more.
Q3 She may come or she may not.
Q4 You sound like you have the sniffles.
Q5 In closing, let me summarize briefly my key points.
out を使うフレーズ集め 和訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ We couldn't find our way out of the jungle.
○ She looked pale and a bit worn out.
○ It makes me happy when I'm out on the land, and I see an Inukshuk.
○ I think just being out in nature is totally therapeutic.
○ There was a call while you were out.
仮定法過去完了 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ If he had come earlier, it would have been more fun.
○ If you had worked harder, you could have done it.
○ I would've kept that day open if you had told me.
○ If only I were a little more talented.
○ If you had faxed this map, I wouldn't have lost my way.
日常会話☆尋ねる時に使える リスニングテスト5問 - 結果
○ 上午还是下午?
○ 你有没有姐姐?
○ 味道怎么样?
○ 这个字怎么念?
○ 你对足球感兴趣吗?