Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward announced Friday that two public restrooms in the ward, known as “see-through toilets,” in which the glass walls of the restrooms become opaque when in use, had a problem that allowed people to see inside while in use.
The walls of the toilets are made of special glass, which becomes opaque when locked. However, on Tuesday, it was discovered that this mechanism did not work. According to the ward, this was due to glass particles that had hardened due to the cold weather,causing delays in the glass becoming opaque.
opaque 不透明な,光などを通さない
鍵を開けて外に出ると中が見えるので、忘れ物防止、ゴミを持ち込めない、遠くから利用状態がわかる。等の利点があります。 このようなガラスはだいぶ前からあったのですが、トイレに利用したのは初めてでした。