①step on ~ ~を踏む、踏みつける ※stepだけだと「歩く」
The woman is stepping on her dress with her right foot.
②that's it 文脈によって 1.その通り・まさにそれだ! 2.もういいよ 3.以上です・もうおしまい
I'm afraid that's it.(残念ながらこれでおしまい)
That's it!(それだ!)
③why don't you ~ ~してはどうですか
why don't we ~ ~しましょう
Why don't we see each other again?(また会いましょう)
All right, why don't you sit here in the shade and rest?
英訳テスト - 結果
○ I have never met anyone like you.
○ He got hurt protecting me.
○ Lose your way and you may lose your life as well.