One of my gogakuru friend wrote about sardin yesterday. She said sardins made her busy. She seemes to love sardin. I also love sardins. So I was thinking of sardins last night in bed.
This morning I dropped in at the fish store in front of my apartmenthouse. Sardins! 100 yen for a sardin! I bought 20 of them. I wanted to cook before going to work. After I come from work, I'll be too tired to cook them. Then it'll go bad.
I salted 8 of them and a few hours later I pickled them in vinegar. I simmered 6 of them with vinegar, sugar, sake and soy sauce. I brayed 4 of them with a wodden pestle and make dumplings, with which I cooked sardin dumpling soup for supper. And the rest of 2 were fried and served as my today's lunch. Delicious! Though sardin made me so busy.
昨日ゴガ友が鰯のことを日記に書いていた。 鰯のせいで忙しくなった。 彼女、鰯が好きみたい。 私も鰯が好き。 ゆうべは布団の中で、鰯のことばかり考えていた。
今朝マンションの前の魚屋さんに寄ったら、鰯があった! 1尾100円! 20尾買った。 仕事に行く前に何とかしたかった。 帰ってからだと疲れちゃって何もできない。
8尾に塩をして、2,3時間後、酢漬けにした。 6尾を、お酢と砂糖、酒、醤油で煮た。 4尾をすりこ木ですって、つみれ団子にし、夕食のつみれ汁を作った。 そして残りの2尾は、フライにして、私の昼食になった。
美味しい! 鰯のせいで、忙しくなったけどね。
Today's expressions
drop in at ~ : (場所)に立ち寄る
go bad : 悪くなる、(食べ物が)傷む、腐る
pickle ~ in vinegar : ~を酢漬けにする
simmer : 他動詞 (とろ火で)ぐつぐつ煮込む
自動詞 ぐつぐつ煮える
I let the soup stimmer.
bray ~ with a wooden pestle : すりこ木でする
grind ~ with a wooden pestle : ( 固いものを)すりこ木でする
depressing : making you sad
depressed : very sad
unhappy : not happy
miserable : very sad, especially because you are sick or lonly
I can't help feeling miserable.
depressed : sad for a long time because things are wrong in your life
Patients will get depressed over the symptons.
down/low/blue : (informal)a little sad about things
Whenever I felt dowm, I listen to the music.
gloomy : sad because you think a situation will not improve
She felt gloomy about her incompetence.
a gloomy mood 重苦しい雰囲気
gloomy skies どんよりした曇り空
You've helped me a lot. Let's study together and help each ather.
Thank you.
Thanks to you, I enjoyed fresh sardins. Your diary reminded me of the taste. Thank you.
I feel the same way with you about sardin.
You give me a good appetite.
Because your expression is nice and it seems delicious!
I'm becoming to buy sardines again.
I'd like to eat one grilled with salt, pepper, olive oil and crispy garlic!!
I'll try.Thank you.
I can't pass through before fresh sardines even I am busy.
オイルサーディンは、小さいひこいわしで作ります。スライスオニオンといっしょに召し上がれ。 パンにのせてチーズトーストもグー(^_^)v