As soon as my children left home for school, I hurried to my vegetable garden in the morning. I wanted to finish my firmwork before it got too hot. But it was too late. The sun was very strong at 8 o'cklock.
I was worring about my green soybeans which I additionaly sowed the other day. According to the advice of neighbors, I covered the fieled with a sheet of nonwoven fabric so that birds could not eat beans. On Sunday I found that some of them had already sprouted. I'm afraid they might snap because of the sheet. So I made some arched supports with 針金ハンガー. I thought it was a good idea and costed no money. I set them on the ground and covered with the nonwoven fabric on it. Perfect! Now I can expect a big harvest. Boiled green soy beans with an ice-cold glass of beer! That's the summer!
I should have stubbed but I gave up because the broiling sun was shining above me.
子供たちが学校に出かけるとすぐに、私は畑に急いだ。 暑くなる前に、畑仕事を終わらせたかったのだ。 でも遅かった。 8時にはもう日差しが強かった。
こないだ追加で蒔いた枝豆が気になっていた。 畑友だちのアドバイスで、鳥に種を食べられないように不織布を被せたのだが、日曜日もういくつか発芽していた。目がシートにあたって、折れるんじゃないかと心配だった。 そこで私は、針金ハンガーで、アーチ型の支柱を作った。 お金もかからないし、いい考えじゃない? 地面に据え付け、上から不織布をかぶせた。 完璧! これで、豊作が期待できるわ。 枝豆とキンキンに冷えたビール! これぞ夏!
Today's expressions
~ so that S + could V : S が V しないように
an ice-cold glass of beer : キンキンに冷えたビール
the broiling sun : 焼けつくような太陽
1. able to continue without causing damage to the environment
今日のラジオ英会話に出てきた sustainable living 持続可能な暮らし
sustainable economic growth 持続可能な経済成長
2. able to continue for a long time
Working more than 10 hours a day is not sustainable in the long-term.
もとの動詞は sustain : to make something continue to exsist
make a sustained effort たゆまぬ努力をする
夏は特に・・・。ちょっとでもサボると大変なことに。 雑草も、おひたしか、炒めるかなんかして食べられればどんなにいいか・・・。 あ、そしたら、雑草とは言わないか。
You didn't sound defensive at all. On the contrary, I felt your kindness. Through your diary and comments, I know that you are good at English and you are studying further to improve your English. So I'm glad to have your comment on my writing. Looking up my dictionaries is only the way to check words and expressions so far. So please don't hesitate to mention what you notice in my diary. I mean it!
Thank you.
に限りますね。家の母も何日かおきにweeding しております。たいへんなようで
Thank you for your kind comment!
And thank you for the word "heatstroke"! It was the word that I've really wnted to know, but I haven't looked up in the dictionary yet.
I put sliced salted cucumbers in the fridge in order to take enough salt and water. I hope it'll work.
Thank you for your comment!
Yes. Weeding is one of my impportant activities. Otherwise my vegetables would disappear.
Exactly. "草むしりする" in English is "to weed".
I had been using this word until I found the word "to stub" in my gogakuru friend's diary. I didn't know the word, so I checked it in the dictionary. Since then I have been using it in order to memorize.
weedのほうが、普通に草むしりするカンジで、stubは、引っこ抜くみたいなニュアンスが強いようなカンジ? It's just my impression.
What a nice idea, it is!
And "Perfect" is really suitable this situation!
To grow vegetables and to eat,
you can enjoy both pleasures.
So, please be careful not to suffer from heatstroke.