When I came back from my vegetable garden this morning, I found the half of my rasberry jam had gone. I know my daughter eat it with yogurt last night. (normally, eat yogurt with jam) And I know my son tasted a big spoonful of the jam. OK. I'm glad they like it. While I was out, my daughter spread it on a slice of bread for her beakfast. She said it went with creamcheese. OK. It's a good way to enjoy home-made jam.
My friend on the 8th floor invited me to her house for lunch. What should I take? A bottle of white wine, tomato salad, freshly frid burdock. Oh, how about putting my jam and creamchees on a RITZ? It must go with wine. The Victria's cake crossed my mind. But I decided to take my jam to her house, saying, "OK. There's always next time."
She was very pleased with my jam! At last she wiped the jam slightly left on the plate with a piece of bread. I was really glad that she liked it so much.
I'll bake the Victoria's cake at the next harvest.
今朝畑から帰ったら、ラズベリージャムが半分なくなっていた。 ゆうべ娘がヨーグルトをかけて食べたのは知っている。(ふつうはヨーグルトにジャムをかけるが) 息子がドでかいスプーンで味見したのも知っている。いいわ。みんなが、気に入ってくれて嬉しい。 私が畑に行ってる間に、娘がパンに塗って朝ごはんに食べた。クリームチーズとジャムがとても合うと言った。 そうね。 手作りジャムを楽しまなきゃ。
8階に住む呑み友が、昼ごはんによんでくれた。何を持っていこうかな。 白ワインに、トマトサラダに、揚げたての牛蒡チップス。そうだわ、私のジャムとクリームチーズをリッツに乗せるのはどう? ワインに合うに違いない。 ビクトリア女王の顔がふと頭によぎった。でも、持っていこう。「そうよ。 今度があるわ。」
Today's expressions
have gone : なくなってしまった、去ってしまった
burdock : 牛蒡
fried burdog : ごぼうを細切りにして、片栗粉をまぶし、油でカラリと揚げ、塩をふって食べる。ワインにもビールにも合う!(^^)!
There's always next time. いつだって次があるわ。
(Tomorrow is another day. 明日があるわ。)
It's a vacation for raspberry the hottest period of summer.
You are looking forward autumn.
Thank you.
My rasberry bears its fruits early summer until it gets too hot. Then it usually begins to bear its fruits in autumn.
I'm looking forward to the next harvest with Queen Victoria.!(^^)!
fried burdocks are really good. You should try them!
Well, I made a mistake. Not burdog but burdock!
Thank you.
Fresh burdock fries is simple and it must be good for beer!
It sharpen my appetite.
Your raspberry jam is popular with anyone!
Of course, Queen Victoria will be waiting for your next jam~☆