

【Today's diary - Monday,July 19】

I read a book "Yoru-wo-norikoeru" this weekend.
It is written by Naoki Matayoshi.
He is,as you know, famous Japanese comedian,
and also a novelist who has received Akutagawa Award.

I really like this book.
He introduces many books written by Dazai Osamu
in this book.

I,as many young people are so,tend to hate reading
modern literature because they look like difficult to understand.
But I would like to read these books after reading Matayoshi's book.

【Kiso-eigo3 Lesson54】

M:Ken,do you remembere our summer trip to California?
We camped on the beach and made s'mores?
K:Of course! I love smore's!
It was really fun to make them.
Y:I want to take some to Doug's house.
K:But Yukichi,you need to roast the marshmallow over a fire.
Just give them marshmallows.
Doug can make them with his family later.
Y:You burn them in a fire?
K:No,you don't put them into the fire.
You hold the marshmallpw over the fire.
The outside becomes crispy,but the inside becomes soft and gooey.
Y:Yum!! Let's have them for dessert!
M:Hmm,how about tomorrow night?



Grill meat in an oven.     オーブンでお肉を焼きます

Crack four eggs into an bowl.   卵を割ってボールに入れます

Put chicken breast on a mixed salad.  鶏の胸肉をミックスサラダの上にのせます

Cut them into rings and fry them in batter. 輪切りにして衣をつけて揚げます

Mix the powder with boiling water. 沸騰したお湯で粉を混ぜます

Don't put your towel into the water. 湯船にタオルを入れちゃだめだよ

tokotoko さん
You two also like reading books.
If you have recommended books,please let me know on your diary.
2016年7月20日 15時56分
みず さん
Two month ago, I read 坊ちゃん written by Natsume Soseki.
I usually read books related to business, but modern literature give me a new feeling.
Also, there are out-of-copyright and easy to read at 青空文庫.
2016年7月20日 0時52分
Wendy さん
I'd like to read that book.
I'll look for that at a library first.
2016年7月19日 16時38分





