At the start I was searching about the English sounds, but the story went off and became the story about an ancient Egypt for 2 days sequentially.
Now, it seems to be more focused on listening than grammar that used to be important in English educate once when I was a student. Because there is a lot of information about it on the net. I remember it wasn't so many on the net before.
It is saying that it's good to improve our own pronunciation for improving listening ability, that we have to speak English with the way suitable for speaking English like the natives speak. At first, I wondered what it was, but got it seemed to recommend abdominal vocalization.
I don't know at all how to train so-called abdominal vocalization. It is inevitable that I will be bothered, but at the same time enjoy the English sounds for a while.
abdominal vocalization 腹式発声
abdominal 腹部の
ラジオ英会話 5月31日(火)Lesson37 get
(Let’s) save (our) money for our future.
Let'sがbut, ourがaと聞こえた。
But we should (at least) have (our) (honeymoon) abroad.
at least haveがa リストバと聞こえた。
( )内は聞こえななかったり、聞きづらかった部分。
* Grammar and Vocabulary *
〇 I don’t want to have a hotel wedding.
〇 You’re making my dreams come true.
* Feel English *
〇 I’ll finally get to see the Pyramids.
Get 「動いて手に入れる」
Get to 「~することができるようになる、機会を得る」
・get to know you better あなたをより知るようになる
get to like it
get to hear about my accident
・get to London / get to the station
get to work
・Don’t let it get to you. そんなに気にしなくていいよ。
Get to + 人 ~の体、心に影響を与える、いらいらさせる、困らせる
・Quick! Get a cloth!
* Expressions in action *
1. I’ll get to the restaurant around 7:30.
2. When did you get to hear about my promotion?
3. This bad weather is getting to me.