Originally, I planned to study only words and the radio English conversation course, but now I'm working on various things. listening to the radio English conversation course on the day of the broadcast, and 15 minutes reading before bedtime has initialized is the default from the beginning. These two are completely These two are completely my routine. These two are as planned. To list up what else I'm working on, vocabulary building, listening training by 1000 words at the junior high school level, a podcast for native speakers and grammar. Vocabulary building is completely short free time learning. I don't study them every day, but I think they are quite a volume.
I usually learn Chinese on Saturdays and Sundays. Listening to step-up Chinese course that broadcasted only twice a week and vocabulary building at short free time.
What I have been trying to do since I started learning English is surely listening to English sound every day. Now I can continue thanks to the podcast and the listening material.
隙間学習って英語でどのように表現すればいいんだろう?私の知っている単語や表現で無理やりひねり出したものが”short free time learning"。もっとぴったり合う表現ってないのかなあ?