English Breakfast 英国風朝食
When walking in cities in U.K. I see signs often saying “Breakfast available until 12pm” or “All Day Breakfast”. Breakfasts are popular menu in cafes. I think English breakfast is very nice and filling. Generally food in England is not so great (or at least in the past!) and that’s why the book like 「イギリスはおいしい」by 林 望 sold well and was popular. I don’t remember if the book mentioned about the breakfast but I do believe English breakfast is very good! Usually they include egg, sausage or bacon, fried tomato, mushroom and hashed potato. Of course you drink a cup of tea and have one or two slices of bread. When I eat English breakfast, I won’t be hungry for a long time.
My husband and I are now in Sunderland after a day in Carlisle near Hadrian’s wall. We stayed in Sunderland today and tomorrow drive south.