■イタリア語応用編35 未来形[~するだろう]3 前半
【Frase chiave キーフレーズ】
Finirò i miei studi all'università e comincerò a lavorare.
1 -ire動詞の未来形(finire/ dormire)
Finirò questo lavoro entro domani.
Finiremo di mangiare fra mezz'ora.
Dormirà fino a tardi, perché era molto stanco ieri sera.
2 -ire動詞の未来形(partire/ uscire/ capire)
La settimana prossima partiremo per l'Italia.
Domani mattina uscirò con mia madre a fare spese.
Prima o poi capirà l'importanza di questo problema.
*prrima o poi 遅かれ早かれ そのうちに
■ラジオ英会話203 接続詞 though
①They are playing Beethoven's 7th together with Mozart's 40th on Sunday.
②Would you care to join me?
③Do you drive, Mr. Smith?
④Well, even though I have a driver's license, I hardly ever drive.
⑤I'm not such a good driver either. But with practice, you get better.
・[such a ]good driver such は強調表現 not suchで部分否定になる。
⑥As with anything, right?
As with ~と同様に
〇though/ although ~だが :全体の流れに対して、少し反対の逆流のイメージ
Though I was tired, I kept on studying.
Though I was sleepy, I kept on studying.
Though I was a bit bored, I kept on studying.
(例)Though tired
He doesn't speak a word of Japanese, though(although) he lived in Japan for 10 years.
Even though it was raining hard, I played golf.
1 Although she studied very hard, she failed the test.
2 The manager will be back this afternoon, though I have no idea what time.
3 I always buy free-range eggs. Even though more expensive.
■現代英語 New Zealand PM Ardern to step down
New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced she is stepping down.
She says her time in office has been her greatest honor, but says she is no longer the right person for the job.
"I know that I no longer have enough in the tank to do it justice. It's that simple. But I absolutely believe and know there are others around me who do".
In 2017 Ardern became the world's then-youngest woman ever to be elected prime minister.
She also became the first-ever sitting head of government to take maternity leave.
She guided New Zealand through the 2019 Christchurch in mosque shooting and the COVID-19 pandemic.
But her popularity was flagged in recent times over issues like the rising cost of living.
And independent poll last month, put Aredern's approval rating at 29 percent her lowest since taking office.
in office (首相などが)在職して
have enough in the tank 自分のタンクに十分な燃料が入っている
head of government 政府のトップ NZでは首相のこと。
国家元首(head of state)はチャールズ3世
flag 衰える 薄らぐ
independent poll 独立系世論調査
母音 アをエと読む。
red flag 危険信号
show the flag 立場をはっきりさせる 支持を表明する
show the white flag 敗北を認める
I was disappointed to hear the news. But it can't be helped.
口から出るのはThank you. Hi.くらい。