■現代英語 Japan's government plans anti disinformation unit.
* disinformation :(人を騙すための偽情報)
Japan's government has announced plans to launch as specialist unit dealing with spread of disinformation.
It says the department would work to identify possible foreign-based campaigns and counter them with accurate information.
Experts say disinformation spread online could influence public pinion and
cause social turmoil.
Some reports suggest Russia has employed such methods against Ukraine, while China has done so against Taiwan.
The top Cabinet spokesperson says spreading fake information not only threatens values but could also affect security.
The government plans to set up the unit within the Cabinet Secretariat in April 2024.
It'll feature experts from foreign and defence ministries, the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office, and other bodies.
identify 特定する
foreign-based campaigns 海外を拠点とする組織的活動
*campaign ある目的のための組織的活動
counter A with B Aに対してBで対抗する
turmoil 混乱 不安 動揺
employ ~を利用する 使用する *人以外の物の使用にも使われる
The top Cabinet spokesperson (日本では)内閣官房長官を意味する
*正式:cheif cabinet secretary
security 安全保障
the Cabinet Secretariat 内閣官房
the Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office 内閣情報調査室
(人の心に)印象を残す、感動させる。 *be affected by~
■ラジオ英会話209 as
①Alexis, what happened to your hand?
②It's nothing serious.
③By the way, I also found this today.
by the way 話題の転換をする表現
④Didn't you look for it?
I cut my finger as I was chopping carrots.
◆同時性 「whenやwhile」よりも強い「接触感・密接さ」があります。
I found it as I was cleaning your room.
The phone rang as I was going out.
The phone rang as I was brushing my teeth.
The phone rang as I was about to eat breakfast.
As time passed, we got used to living in a new country.
As it started to rain hard, we canceled the barbecue.
1 A cyclist ran into me as I was crossing the street.
2 I fell asleep as I was watching TV.
3 As I gained experience, my confidence also grew.
■イタリア語応用編 Dialogo delle lezioni 38 後半
io sarò /tu sarai /lui・lei sarà
noi saremo /voi sarete /loro saranno
io avrò /tu avrai /lui・lei avrà
noi avremo /voi avrete /loro avranno
①La settimana prossima avrò tante cose da fare.
★前置詞da + 動詞の原形 ~すべき
「cosa da fare」は、やるべきこと
②Non avrai più bisogno del mio aiuto.
★avere bisogno di~ ~を必要とする
もう必要としない:non avrai più bisogno di~
③Non avremo paura di sbagliare.
★avere paura di~ ~を恐れる、怖がる
sbagliare 間違う 誤りをおかす
○学習のヒント avereを使った色々な表現
avere freddo/caldo (人が)寒い/暑い(と感じる)
avere ragione/ torto (人が)正しい/間違っている
avere fretta (人が)急いでいる
avere luogo (催しなどが)開かれる、(事件などが)起きる
①Sarò libero/a venerdì prossimo verso le dieci.
②Sarai occupato/a questo fine settimana?
③Giulio e Lucia saranno felici di incontravi.
★essere ferici di 動詞の原形 ~で嬉しい。
①Non avrò niente da fare domani mattina.
②Avrai da fare dopo lalezione?
★avere da fare 用事がある
How interesting!
I feel like I want to listen to Umbria jazz.