■現代英語 Australian five-dollar note won't feature King Charles
*feature 肖像を使う描く
The face of the King Charles Ⅲ won't appear on Australia's banknotes.
That's after the central bank announced on Thursday that its new five-dollar note will instead have a design honoring country's Indigenous
culture and history.
“The Reserve Bank has decided to make the next five-dollar banknote feature a design honoring the culture and history of First Australians."
Australia is a member of the Commonwealth, a group of mostly former British colonies.
Its banknotes have long featured the face of reigning monarch.
Queen Elizabeth II appeared on the five-dollar note for nearly 30 years.
But she passed away last year, and her image won't be replaced by that of her son, Charles.
The Reserve Bank of Australia instead announced it will consult with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups.
Australian currency has long recognized elements of Indigenous culture, and there's much support for further change.
Indigenous 先住の 固有の [I]を大文字で書くことが増えている
The Reserve Bank オーストラリア中央銀行
First Australians オーストラリア先住民
the Commonwealth イギリス連邦
reigning 在任中の
it will consult 意見を聞く予定である
Aboriginal アボリジニの
Torres Strait Islander トレス海峡諸島の
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groupsオーストラリア先住民を意味する
recognize 評価して取り入れる
there's much support for~ ~に対する支持が多くある
二重母音が別の発音になりやすい decided, five (アイ→オイ) make(エイ→ア)
1 週末に美術館に行こう。
米 Let's go to the museum on the weekend.
英 Let's go to the museum at the weekend.
2 私は入院していました。
米 I was in the hospital.
英 I was in hospital.
■Italia, arrivo!(いくぞ、イタリア!)60 シチリア 後半
○PASTA FRITTA ALLA SIRACUSA (シラクーザ風パスタ・フリッタ)のレシピ
500 grammi di vermicellini ヴェルミチェリーニ(細いスパゲッティ)500g
4 acciughe sott'olio オイル漬けのアンチョビ4枚
1 spicchio d'aglio ニンニクひとかけ
100 grammi di pangrattato パン粉100g
Olio d'oliva, sale e pepe オリーブオイル、塩とこしょう
【Preparazione 作り方】
①Lessare gli spaghetti e scolarli molto al dente.
*scolarliの-li=gli spaghetti
②In una padella soffriggere lievemente l'aglio.
③Quando è imbiondito l'aglio, toglierlo dal fuoco e nell'olio sciogliere le acciughe.
④Versare nella padella la pasta, coprirla di pangrattato, girarla e rigirarla...
*coprirla,girarla,rigirarlaの-la=la pasta
⑤Lasciarla friggere a fuoco lento fino a quando la pasta fa una bella crosta dorata.
*lasciarlaの-la=la pasta
lessare 茹でる /scolare 水を切る
soffriggere 軽く炒める /imbiondire 金色になる
togliere 取り除く /sciogliere 溶かす
versare 注ぐ つぐ /coprire 覆う
girare 回す /rigirare 何度も回す
friggere 油で揚げる
Fichi d'India うちわさぼてんの実
pistacchi ピスタチオ
saline di Trapani トラーパニの塩
pesto di finocchietto フェンネルのペースト
pasta alla Norma ノルマ風パスタ
pasta con le sarde イワシとフェンネルのパスタ
arancini siciliani シチリア風ライスコロッケ
sarde a beccafico イワシのベッカフィーコ (オーブン焼き)
caponata di melanzane ナスのカポナータ
It's sunny in my area today.
By the way, I'd like to make Italian dish.
Do you have any recommendations?
ラジオ📻英会話の再放送の週 私はほっとしています🐧🍒