What am I going to do? どうしよう?
後半 名詞に注目して音読
The meal went as planed ― until dessert.
He had said that he liked strawberries, so I made him
a sponge cake with fresh strawberries.
After he took just a couple of bite, he said he'd had enough.
“ What?!” I said.
He said he was full and couldn't eat anymore.
I couldn’t believe it !
We yelled at each other, I told him I never wanted to him again,
and he left.
I was so angry, so to calm myself down.
I decided to eat the cake.It tasted horrible.
Somehow vinegar had gotten into the cake mixture.
Now what am I going to do?!
( Even though it’s a fiction for reading aloud,
I can't read development of the tory.
But surprisingly, like this story, there may be an argument
between man and women from a little thing.
Don’t say what to do, if she is honest the two will be back
to normal. I’m expecting that. )
※ さまざまな名詞を目的語にとる動詞 take
take は「持っていく」 や 「連れていく」 のなどの意味をもつ動詞。
walk を目的語にとると、take a walk 「散歩する」 という
②... he took just a couple of bits...take a bite は「1口食べる」
a couple of... 「2つの~」 というフレーズを使えば、
「2口食べる」 は take a couple of bites と 言い表わせます。
これに just 「たった~」が加わると、take just a couple of bites
「たった2口食べる」 になります。
「~を1口食べる」 は take a bite out of… とも、
take a bite from... とも言い表せます。
③...and couldn’t eat anymore
anymore は、not など否定語を伴なって「これ以上~(ない)」
という意味で、I don’t work there anymore.
「私は、もうそこで働いていない」 などと使います。
anymore は any more と書くこともできます。
写真 迎賓館和船 海外からの賓客に日本の文化
I think they two are just lack of honesty.
The man would say “try it yourself “,there could be nothing between them.
迎賓館の和船の船遊び、海外の賓客感動されると思います。up ありがとうございます。