The automatic door at the front of the building stopped working.
You’ll have to use the side door for now.
Susan and Mark スーザンとマーク その6
The driver answered,
"You know, every morning for the past week,
that gentleman in the uniform has been standing across the road
watching you when you get the bus.
He makes sure you cross the street safely and he watches you until
you enter your office building.
Then he blows you a kiss, and walks away. You are very lucky.”
Tears of happiness ran down Susan’s cheeks.
For although she couldn't see him with her eyes, she had always felt
Mark's presence.
She was so lucky, for he had given her a gift more powerful than sight,
a gift she didn't need to see to believe – the gift of love that
brought light to the darkness.
* the past week 過去一週間、この一週間
* make sure... ・・・を確信する
* for... (その理由は)・・・だから
* a gift she didn't need to see 目で見る必要がない贈り物
Hmm, I don't have words.
I read this story about the husband's love for his wife
that was so deep and wide.
His wife who is blind due to a medical error.
I don't know what to say, rather than being told directly
by the other person.
There are things that are engraved in our hearts
when they are told through other people.
ゴガトモさん、”いいね!” や “コメント” を有難うございます。