本日の学習 ABCニュースシャワー88日目 ほか
「ペルシャ湾で軍事力誇示 」(9月20日放送)
昨日の復習 ABCニュースシャワー
「スマートフォンの盗難が急増」 (9月19日放送)
It already has the most orders, making it the fastest selling iPhone of all time.
キーワード:of all time 「空前の」
taking a wild ride 「好調の波に乗っている」
cell phones 「携帯電話」
robbery epidemic 「強盗事件のまん延」
★ of all time 「空前の」
The movie ranks as one of the top five films of all time.
「Scientists Highlight Latest Research on World Malaria Day」
Ozaki hopes the use of biological tools, such as phages, along with ongoing efforts to develop novel treatments and much-needed vaccines, will lead to the elimination of malaria, one of the greatest public health scourges of all time.
★ taking a wild ride 「好調の波に乗っている」
"wild ride" 「荒っぽいドライブ」ぐらいのイメージなのだけど、こんな風に使われるんですね。
もっとも盗まれたiPhone は、荒っぽいドライブにさらわれたわけですが...
ride a wave of 「~の波[流行]に乗る」
ride a wave of popularity 「人気の波に乗る」
ride a wave of strong public support (これを願う政治家、ただ今増殖中?)
★ cell phones 「携帯電話」
Are you sure you have your cell phone?
★ robbery epidemic 「強盗事件のまん延」
「Pharmacies see an armed robbery 'epidemic'」
Criminals are holding pharmacists at gunpoint to get pills that can sell for as much as $80 apiece on the street.
NEW YORK - A wave of pharmacy robberies is sweeping the United States as desperate addicts and ruthless dealers turn to violence to feed the nation's growing hunger for narcotic painkillers.
※ 本来薬局で「まん延」する物は別にあるはず。タイトルに一ひねりアリです。
cf. epidemic
Another cause of this cheating epidemic is the incredible competitive pressure faced by today's students.
解説より:"epidemic" は「蔓延」「流行」「急増」「多発」という意味。
★ hit the shelves 「(商品が)店頭に並ぶ」
「Wii U May Hit The Shelves In Mid-November」
While that of course remains an inferred hint, a November 18th release for Wii U would actually make a lot of sense for Nintendo. A number of rumors in the past have speculated that Nintendo would probably want the console to hit the shelves before Black Friday arrives.
★ reactivation 「再活性化」「再燃」
「US Plans to Block Reuse of Stolen Cellphones 」
Within six months, the carriers will prevent reuse of the stolen phones on their current networks. In about a year and a half, the goal is to block reactivation on any network.
え~~。 車がもったいないよ~~~。