本日の学習 ABCニュースシャワー72日目
昨日の復習 ABCニュースシャワー
「月面初着陸の船長 死去」 (8月27日放送)
shooting over the lunar surface looking for a smooth place to touch down.
キーワード:lunar surface 「月面」
lunar 「月の、月にかかわる」
lunar landing 「月面着陸」
sheer happenstance 「全くの偶然」
★ lunar surface 「月面」
「First Man to Set Foot on Moon Dies at 82」
Armstrong commanded the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon on July 20, 1969. After stepping on the lunar surface, he sent the historic message: "that's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." As an enthralled world looked on, Armstrong spent nearly three hours walking on the moon with fellow astronaut Edwin "Buss" Aldrin.
★ lunar landing 「月面着陸」
「NASA and the Early Apollo Flights of the 1960s」
Apollo Eight showed that humans could travel to the moon and return safely. The next step was to test the lunar landing craft.
★ sheer happenstance 「全くの偶然」
sheer 「純粋の、純然たる、真の、本当の、全くの」
「Solar Energy Illuminates Darkest Parts of Africa」
"It's one of the most gratifying parts of my job - the reactions of people who are able to flip a switch and have electric light come on for the first time. It's a very profound experience, for them as well as for me," Freling said. "It's amazing to see a whole previously unknown world of opportunity suddenly open up to them, with just one light bulb coming on. To see people's faces, the sheer joy on them, when they realize that they will now be able to read at night, is indescribable."
happenstance 「偶然の出来事」
「Rival Spies Team Up to Dupe Big Businesses in 'Duplicity'」
Clive Owen is Ray, a veteran agent of the British intelligence agency MI-6. Julia Roberts is Claire, a skilled undercover operator for the American CIA. Their paths keep crossing, by design or by happenstance, and the sparks fly.
※ by design 「意図的に、故意に、わざと」
★ wake up to「~に気付く、~を悟る」「~で目を覚ます」
Miya wakes up to Kanichi's love, and writes him a letter full of regret.
★ it turns out that
Without wanting to sound negative, what happens if it turns out that I'm not management material after all?
※ without wanting to sound negative 「消極的だと思われたくはないが」
★ crew「搭乗員、クルー」「班、グループ」
「Astronauts Remember 40th Anniversary of Apollo 8 Moon Mission」
At a recent event in Washington, Apollo 8 command module pilot James Lovell recalled that his crew was trained to study the Moon's surface. "The mission of Apollo 8 was really to check the navigation and check for landing spots, the flat areas, the sea that would give the people who would attempt the first landing the greatest chance of survival," he said.
★ be assigned to 「~に割り当てられる、~の任務を受ける」
In short, we suggest that some of the sales reps currently assigned to Southeast Asia be reassigned to mainland China.
★ shoot 「素早く[急に]動く」
「Wonder What Becomes of Child Prodigies?」
Michael was a prodigy, one of the rare child geniuses who typically excel in fields like music, chess or mathematics that are based on lots of facts or rules. Prodigies stand out, obviously. They're curiosities, and because they soon shoot past their age level in school, they often have trouble making friends.