すべてのフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト
○ Plastic food samples provide information about the menu in a visual form.
plastic food sumles 食品のサンプルは
provide information 情報を伝える
about the menu 料理を
in a visual form 視覚てきに
fashion magazines provide information about the trend that is an
idea in advance of the time in a visual form.
Insertion of the shopping center provide information about today's
goods cheaper than as usual in a visual form.
朝早く散歩に出かけた 家の周りはいま建設ラッシュで風景が変わっていくが何時
もの川沿いの散歩道は変わらない 一週間前までは鴨が5,6羽橋の下あたりにい
パンと一緒に焼いたソ-セ-ジ とキャベツをパンにはさみケッチャプ、マスタ-ド
をつけて食べる コ-ヒはサトウだけみるく抜き,私の好きな朝食メニュ-
I went for walk early in the morning today. The landscape is
changing around my residence because of the buildings have been
builted now.
But the view of the path by the liver is not change. I could
see and count the 5,6 number of ducks under the bridge a week ago,
but I couldn't see them today.
Toasted sausage, choped cabbage, put them into toasted bread, and
ketchup, mustard with it. Coffee with only sugar, that's my
favorite breakfast.