すべてのフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト
○ Any chance of catching a ride with you to the party?
Any chance of...ひょっとして
chatching a ride with you...一緒に乗せてもらえるかしら
to the party....パ-テイ迄
○ Mind if I use your cellphone?
mind...do you mind の略...かまいませんか
if I use your cellphone....もし私が貴女の携帯を使う
○ Do you think I could tag along?
Do you think I could ....わたしが(~を)してもいいですか
tag along...ず-とついて行く
My diary
来年のカレンダ-が出回る時期になった。今日本屋で何時もと同じ卓上カレンダ-を買った。今年のカレンダ-と並べて置いてみた こうして来年も同じように月日が流れて行くのだなあ、此の一こま一こまの中にどんな出来事がかくれているのだろうか?
人生先の事は判らない ただ今年受けた教訓として非常時の時の為にある程度の
A new calendar have started to circulate. I bought it a sort of as same as this year.
I put it on the desk next to the calendar of this year.
I thought that time is going to pass day by day.
What happening submerge in this each one-frame.
Nobody don't know one'sself life in the future.
This year, I have had a teaching from a big disaster that is I need to set a side of money and water.
We're almost next year, I thought afresh that I'll live my everyday's life carefully till end of this year.