英作文 練習
(1) 話でお名前を伺った時はお顔を思い出せませんでした
When I heard your name on the phone, I could not recollect your face.
on the phone.......電話で
(2) 彼女の話しぶりは / 母親をおもいださせる
Her way of talking / eminds me of her mother.
remind~ of......思い出させる
(3) 買う事の出来ないものは / 其れなしですませるべきだ
What we can not afford / should be done without.
can not afford.....余裕がない
do without.....無しですます
(4) 学生時代には私は東京をすみからすみまで知っていた
In my sutudent days I was familiar with every nook and corner of Tokyo.
every nook and corner......すみからすみまで
in my student days = doring my school days.....学生時代には
I was familiar = I used to know......知っていた
(5) もし私が遅れたら、待たずに先に行ってください
If I am late, don't wait for me but go ahead ,please.
go ahead......先に行く
(1) 先生や親の願いに沿わない行動をとってはいけない
You must not act against the wishes of your parents and teachers.
(2) 彼は翌働く、おまけに、正直で時間をよく守る
He is hardworkers, and what is more, honest and punctual.
what is more......おまけに
(3) 彼は頑丈そうで健康に見えるが、実際は、心臓がとても弱くてこまっている
He appears to be storong and healthy, but, as a matter of fact, he is suffering from a very weak heart.
as a matter of fact......実際は
suffe from.......~で困っている
(4) 彼のふうさいから見て英国人でないことはわかった
I know by his appearance that he was not English.
by one's appearance......風采から