英作文 練習
(1) 彼は政治家どころではない
He is anything but a statesman.
anything but....{形容詞、名詞、のまえで} どころではない、すこしも~でない
**This is anything but easy....とても易しいと言う代物ではない
(2) 彼はほかならぬ首相其の人であった
He was no less a person than the Prrime Minister.
no less ~than.......本物の、まさしく
(3) 彼はチョっつとケチくさいところが有る
He is something of a miser.
somthing of miser....チョッとケチくさい
He is not so much a scholar as a journalist.
not so much~as~.....と言うより寧ろ....である
I'm going to Tokyo University hospital to check the result from my skin cancer suegery
I had it on April last year.
I went on the hospital from April to July once a month, after that it was changed once in three month.
I think that my skin cancer was removed well from my leg.
Thanks for the medical care progress, I can live vigorously now.