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英作文 練習
Nothing is ......(can be) ~出来ない ~はない
そむかれる....be betrayed
**Nothong is /more disappointing / than to be betraed /by a frind whom we trust.
Nothing is more disappointing....~もっとがっかりするものはない
than to be betrayed........背かれるのに比べて
by a friend whom we trust.......お互い信用していた友達に(よって)
**Nothin & is
Nothing is farther from her mind than to be betraed by a husband whom they love.
(2) テレビのおかげで/、まるで現地にいるように/オリンピックがみられた.
**Thanks to the television, /we could see the Olympic games / as if we were on the spot.
on the spot.....現地に
(3) 両親の留守の間、/年少の彼が/ 弟たちの世話をしなければならなかった
年少の彼.....Young as he was,
弟たちの世話をしなければならない.....he had to take care of his young brothers.
両親の留守の間........while his parents were away .
**Young as he was / he had to take care of his young brothers / while his parents were away.
(4) 困った事に / 彼は昔ほど / 働こうとしない
困った事に......the trouble is
彼は働こうとしない........he does not want to work so hard
昔ほど.......... as he used to.
** The trouble is / he does not work so hard / as he used to
(5) 此の本を読めば/ フランスの生活が / 良く分かる
此の本を読めば......this book gives us
よくわかる.........a clear idea of
フランスの生活......of life in France
**This book geves us / a clear idea /of life in France.
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