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"ニュースで英会話"のフレーズ・例文 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ Rumor has it that Hillary Clinton wants to run for president in 2016.
○ The previous version of this software was much better.
○ Referees are often subject to verbal abuse from the fans.
○ Linda took great delight in planning a surprise party for her daughter.
(1) 私の目の黒い内は、おまえに不自由はさせない(as long as)
You shall want to nothing as long as I live.
(2) 面白くさえあれば、どんな本でもよい (as long as)
Any book will do as long as it is interesting.
(3) あの少女はまるで男の子のような話し方をする (as if )
That girls talks as if she were a boy.
(4) 明日はたとえ太陽が西から上がっても行きます (even if)
I'll go tomorrow even if the sun were to rise in the west.
(5) どんなに疲れていても 仕事を終わられなければいけない (however~may)
However tired you may be, you must finish your work.
I have my young brother carry my suitcase.
I will have my casette tape recorder repaired tomorrow
You have only to carry out your plan.
All he had to do was to have his hair cut.
You has better not stay here.