Trust Japan to get a supercomputer to predict heavy rain and other natural disasters like landslides and flooding.
Japan has always had to deal with natural disasters as the island is located along an area where several tectonic plates meet. The country is highly vulnerable to natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and natural disasters. These have only been exacerbated due to climate change.
Tech company Fujitsu has unveiled a new supercomputer system provided to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) for use in linear rainband forecasting, according to a company release.
A weather phenomenon, linear rainbands are cumulonimbus clouds that are slow-moving or stationary. Leading to heavy rains they have picked up over the sea. The new supercomputer system, which began operations on March 1, will be able to forecast natural disasters six to twelve hours in advance.
テクノロジー企業の富士通は、会社のリリースによると、線状降水帯予測に使用するために気象庁 (JMA) に提供された新しいスーパーコンピューター システムを発表しました。
気象現象の 1 つである線状降水帯は、動きの遅い、または静止している積乱雲です。彼らが海の上で拾った大雨につながります。3 月 1 日に運用を開始した新しいスーパーコンピュータ システムは、自然災害を 6 ~ 12 時間前に予測できるようになります。