Everyone seemed very busy. They
were scurrying to and fro,carrying food,
building nests,laying eggs,guarding
thir young. Drippy never would have
believed that so much could be
happening just a few feet underground,
hidden from the world above. He
watched all this activity in absolute
He stopped an ant who was hurrying
by carrying a long piece of strow.
"Excuse me. Could you tell me---"
"I'm too busy to talk,"the ant said.
And he hurried away carrying his piece
of straw.
Drippy saw a spider weaving an
underground web. "Hello, I wonder
"Go away! I have to get this web
「萩咲いて家賃五円の家に住む 正岡子規」家の周りに群生する萩も濃いピンクの花がちらほらと咲き始めました。萩咲く初秋、家賃五円という切実感、子規自身のもはや多くを望まない心境が表れて心に沁みた句でした。有難うございました^^