Drippy tried to squeeze to one side as
the two armies charged each other. The
black ants and the red ants attacked,
and the battle was on. It was a terrible
sight. The ants flew at one another
viciously,using their mouths and their
legs to try to tear each other apart. The
red ants were gurarding their nests and
the black ants were trying to attack
them. Guards stood at the entrance to
the nests,and whenever a black ant
reached one of the nests,the red ant
guards would fall on him and tear him
apart. Drippy was horrified by the
terrible scene he was witnessing. He
had never seen a battle before. There
were dead red ants and dead black ants
all around him. They were tiny
creatures,but they fought like great
「二色の絵具に足るや秋の雲 召波」 あの日の空には本当にいただいた句のような雲が浮かんでいました^^