The owl picked Drippy up and put him
on his back. They flew into the air and
a few moments later when Drippy
looked down,he could see hundreds of
birds in a cage.
"That's the aviary,"the owl said.And
he swooped down to earth.
It was a large cage,with hundreds of
birds of every size and description from
all over the world. There were blue
birds and pink flamingoes and green
parrots. And in front of each cage was a
sigh telling the name of the birds inside.
The owl explained to Drippy, "These
birds come from all over the world.
Some are from Africa,and some are
from Asia. Some come from the desert,
and some come from the forest. They
are all brought here so that people can
visit the zoo and stare at them."
"Is that a good thing?"
"Not if you're a bird,"the wise owl
おとなの基礎英語(Week23) 英訳テスト5問 - 結果
○ Do you care for a drink?
○ I wish I could stay longer.
○ When is the right time to do it?