I got up and turn on my PC, checking gogakuru site with a cup of coffee as usual. One of my gogakuru friends suggested me that I should try with a part of my e-mail address. He said that I might have used it as my user's name. I thought it's worth trying and I would do it after I returned from work tonight.
Then I took a bath, which is unusual to me. Well, my daughter came home from a job interview held in Hiroshima. She left there at midnight and arrived here early in this morning. On coming home, she took a bath and went to bed. The bathtube was full of hot water. So I took a bath. I soaked in a hot bath with a facial pack on my face, completely relaxed. I was thinking of hie words, "Try with a part of e-mail address."
Could I have used a part of my address as my user's name?
Suddenly everything flashed up in my mind! He was right!
That's it! :
When I chose my user's name, I had to use both letters and numbers. I thought and thought. At last I hit upon a good idea! I decided to take a part of my e-mai address, which includs both. I was sure Iwould never forget it. Because it is my favorite piano piece composed by chopin that I played for the first time.
I sprang out of the bath room and tried it. It worked! I did it! Thanks to him, everything has been settled.
Thank you indeed!
今朝起きて、いつものようにパソコンのスイッチを入れ、コーヒー片手にゴガクルサイトをチェックした。 「メアドの一部を使ってるかも知れないから、やってみたら。」というアドバイスを見つけた。 いいかも、仕事から帰ったら今晩やってみよう、と思った。
それからお風呂に入った。いつもはそんなことしないんだけど。 娘が就活で、広島であった面接から帰ってきた。夜中に向こうを出て、今朝早くこっちに着いた。 帰るなりお風呂に入って寝てしまった。 お風呂にはまだ暑いお湯がなみなみとはいっている。私も入ろっと。 顔にパックしながら熱いお湯につかって、すっかりくつろいだ。 ゴガ友の言葉を思い浮かべた。「メアドでやってみたら」
突然目の前にすべてが浮かんだ。 ゴガ友の言ったとおりだ!
ユーザーズネームを決めるとき、文字と数字の両方を使わなければならなかった。 考えに考えて、ついにいい考えを思いついた。そうだ、メアドを使おう! それなら忘れるはずないもの。 だって、初めて弾けるようになった大好きなショパン様の曲だから。
風呂から飛び出して、やってみた。 できた!やったー!
Today's expressions
be worth ~ing : ~する価値がある
on ~ing, : ~するとすぐに
=as soon as S+V
soak in a hot bath : 熱い風呂に入る
flash up : (考えなどが)パッと思い浮かぶ
spring out of ~ : ~から飛び出す
Thank you!
I'm glad to know that you and I are the same generation!
Thank you!
It's true that subconciousness works when you are relaxed.