・become [get] confident
・build (one's) confidence
・build (one's) self-confidence
・feel the confidence
・get confidence up
・have confidence in oneself
・have self-confidence
・trust oneself
・彼はますます自信を持つようになっているよ。:He's gaining more and more confidence.
give someone credit:(人)を正しく評価してやる
・He won't give you credit.:彼はあなたを正しく評価しない[褒めたりしない]だろう。
・I have to give you credit.:お見事です。
life support:生命維持◆【略】LS
・on life support:生命維持装置につながれて
・The president-elect weighed in against the huge spending package after Elon Musk had spent the day warning Republicans not to support it. The blowup left the compromise on life support.
1.〔情熱・活力・喜びなどが〕あふれんばかりの、熱烈な、熱狂的な◆【名】exuberance◆【副】exuberantly:very lively, happy, or energetic;filled with energy and enthusiasm;filled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement
・exuberant wealth [health]:あり余るほどの富[はち切れそうな健康]
・an exuberant welcome:熱狂的な歓迎.
・His exuberant personality makes him fun to be around.
・exuberant music
・giddily exuberant crowds
・flamboyant and exuberant architectural invention
・The former president cautioned exuberant delegates at the Democratic National Convention not to be complacent in 2024 because politics is “a brutal, tough business.”
2.〔植物が〕生い茂った、繁茂した、〔毛髪が〕ふさふさした、〔蓄えなどが〕有り余るほどの、豊富な:existing in large amounts;very plentiful
・exuberant blossoms
・youthful exuberance:若気の至り
・exuberance of blooming flowers:咲き乱れた花
・an exuberantly joyful performance
・exuberantly enjoy:~にあふれんばかりの喜びを感じる、大喜びで[嬉々として]~を楽しむ
・grow exuberantly:生い茂って生える[成長する]
hinge on …*:~次第である、~で決まる、~による、~に依存する、~にかかっている、~に左右される◆「depend on ...」と大体同じ意味
・The success of Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai also hinges on the proactive and sustained engagement that you are already demonstrating.:2025年の大阪・関西万博の成功は、皆さんがすでに示されている積極的かつ持続的な関与にかかっています
・Federal Reserve officials projected just two rate cuts in 2025, and they made it clear that future reductions would hinge on inflation progress.
requite【verb】to give or do something in return for something that another person has given or done, or for a benefit or service that has been provided
・Sam was worried that the feelings she’d expressed on her date were not requited, but was relieved and overjoyed to learn that they were.
shell8131さんのお気に入りフレーズ - リスニングテスト5問
ちえさんさんのお気に入りフレーズ - 英訳テスト5問
simasimareoさんのお気に入りフレーズ - 和訳テスト5問
ラジオビジネス英語 - リスニングテスト5問
ラジオ英会話(2024/10/7~) - 英訳テスト5問
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